Hope for Khansa

Khansa Al-Hammady lived a normal life in Raqqa, north Syria, with her husband farming their land. Then the bombing started and their peaceful life changed forever

Khansa’s husband was killed in the bombing and her two elder sons suddenly disappeared. She still does not know whether they are dead or alive.

Khansa, fled her home with her three remaining sons and daughter towards Lebanon and found safety in the Bekaa Valley refugee camp.

In the camp, the family shares a tent with another family and they have very little food for the family. Khansa’s health has also deteriorated due to the difficult conditions that she has to endure. She is losing hope that her situation will ever improve and that her children will ever have a normal life.

Islamic Relief is working in the Bekaa Valley camp, providing essential aid to thousands of families, such as food, shelter and blankets, which provides some comfort and hope for the future.

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