Safe water for Basem in Gaza

In Gaza, Basem’s family used to go for days on end without fresh water – the supply to their house was salty and undrinkable, and the supplier they bought water from was expensive and unreliable. Now, thanks to your zakat, Basem and several other families have their own water filtration systems, which purify the saline water from their taps and make it safe to use.

Basem lives with her parents and seven brothers and sisters in a small house Gaza. Her father is severely ill with hemiplaegia and cannot work – leaving the entire family in deep poverty.

Her youngest brother suffers with asthma, and they struggle to afford his medication. They rely on Basem’s eldest brother, who sells tea and coffee to earn a living – but he barely makes enough to provide for all ten family members.

To make matters worse, the water received through the house’s pipes is salty and undrinkable, so the already impoverished family is forced to buy clean water from suppliers. Sometimes they are late, and Basem goes for many days without water; even when it is available, carrying the heavy containers home is difficult and tiring.

Today, Basem no longer needs to worry about fetching water.

Your zakat enabled Islamic Relief to provide her household – and more than 170 other families like hers – with a water filtration system called a reverse osmosis unit.

This is attached to the pipes in her house, and cleans the saline water as it runs through, providing fresh, drinkable water. If the filter ever breaks down or needs repairs, we are there to carry out maintenance.

“On behalf of my family members, I would like to thank Islamic Relief,” says Basem. “Their great effort has made our life easier; now we can use tap water without any fear!” 

Islamic Relief in Gaza

Islamic Relief has worked in Palestine for almost 20 years, beginning to provide humanitarian relief in 1994, as well as food, water, livelihoods, medical and orphan support. With your help, we are committed to supporting the people of Gaza for as long as they need us, and continue to pray for an end to their difficulties.

Zakat with Islamic Relief

Islamic Relief uses your zakat to help some of the poorest and most needy people on the planet. Your donations bring joy to them, letting them know that their brothers and sisters around the world haven’t forgotten them. Zakat gives people hope that one day, with the help of Allah, they will be zakat givers and not zakat receivers. 

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